Chelsey Sturgeon Chelsey Sturgeon

Mercury Retrograde and Why You Should Not Fear it!

It all begins with an idea.

You’ve read the posts, watched videos and taken part in conversations worldwide this week about the horror of Mercury Retrograde and its imminent arrival for most of April.

For those of you who don’t know, Mercury Retrograde occurs when Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky when the Earth briefly overtakes it in the orbit cycle. During this time energy can dramatically shift and change, often causing havoc in its wake, affecting our energetic and spiritual lives.

I too used to live in fear of Mercury Retrograde – or ‘Metro Retro’ as my dear friend Chell calls it, however that all changed after I heard the phrase ‘stop giving planets so much power!’ It completely blew my mind that we had the option of disassociating with the almighty power of the Retrograde, so I began putting it into practice and of course now, the fear does not come.

The first thing I want you to remember is that we are all vibrating atoms of energy, feeding off the Universe and all who inhabit it. We are easily entrained into adopting new vibes to suit our surroundings and so it is common that during Mercury Retrograde we will all begin to lean into the vibration of fear. This vibe then manifests into our reality, creating all the havoc that Mercury Retrograde promises.

Now I’m not saying that Metro Retro has no effect on your energy at all! Mercury is a powerhouse for money, relationships and power and any change to it can be felt by those of you deeply connected to it. Could it not however be presenting you with a great opportunity to clean house?

Why not choose to see Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity?

An opportunity to ensure your relationship is thriving, an opportunity to test your belief in abundance and an opportunity to stand in your own power and take charge of your energy and your vibration? By releasing the vibration of fear, you release the dramatic hold Mercury Retrograde has on your life. You’ll soon notice that the Universe is presenting the same number of challenges as before, you just get to choose what you do with them. Let me know what you think!


Chelsey imagined a completely different career to the one she enjoys now. Originally training as a Criminal Barrister, Chelsey spent her days prosecuting cartel crime and working to irradicate police misconduct and never imagined the holistic path ahead. Having been deeply connected and interested in Angels as a child, Chelsey found her way back to the Angelic Kingdom of Light in 2016 after an incredible Angelic Reiki session which began her healing journey and ultimately led to her becoming the Holistic teacher she is today. Follow her: @chelseysturgeon_

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Chelsey Sturgeon Chelsey Sturgeon

The vibration of food when made with love.

It all begins with an idea.

As I write, I am on an aeroplane travelling to the Dominican Republic and I’m watching a show called TUI World Cook. It is a competition which tasks chefs from across the world with creating dishes from their homeland with love. It struck me while watching, that the chefs who succeeded most often had filled their dishes with love and passion - both emotions of incredibly high vibration!

One of the contestants, a lady from India, spoke of her adoration for her beautiful, magical country and she spoke about putting her heart and soul into her dishes and unsurprisingly, her dishes consistently scored the highest marks.

Why am I telling you all of this? For a while now I’ve been thinking about the vibration of food, but not about whether the food itself is high or low vibe (the traditional meat vs veggie argument in the spiritual world). Instead, I’ve been thinking about what impact the preparer has on the vibration of the dish. If the food was created while the cook was upset, angry or envious, what impact would it have on the taste, feeling and experience of eating the food?

We speak often of taking on the energies of others, of protecting ourselves from those with lower vibrations, but we seldom think or speak about consuming items prepared in the same, lower vibration. When you think about it, you are physically taking something into your body, the vessel carrying your spiritual self, so surely there is a difference between consuming food prepared in a hurried, unloved state, to consuming that prepared with joy and love?

We’ve all rushed home after a busy day and made a dinner without much thought or care, meals we could’ve ‘taken’ or ‘left’, but simply consumed through the need for sustenance rather than because we enjoyed preparing and eating it.

Think alternatively about a meal cooked slowly on a Sunday by someone who adores feeding their family. Think of the love and care put into the preparation, the timing and the presentation of this food compared to our quick, ‘feed me now’ meals. Meals such as these contain the vibrations of love, joy, hope and charity and are received in gratitude. The vibration around the table is high because the food fills us with the highest vibrational energy, not because of the ingredients, but because of the love poured into creating the meal.

So next time you think about which foods you ‘should’ eat to stay in a high vibe, take a moment instead to think about the love and vibration you put into the food when preparing it! Fear not though, when receiving food with gratitude and love, you can quickly raise its vibration and your own, so remember to always give thanks for the food on your table, no matter what it is.


Chelsey imagined a completely different career to the one she enjoys now. Originally training as a Criminal Barrister, Chelsey spent her days prosecuting cartel crime and working to irradicate police misconduct and never imagined the holistic path ahead. Having been deeply connected and interested in Angels as a child, Chelsey found her way back to the Angelic Kingdom of Light in 2016 after an incredible Angelic Reiki session which began her healing journey and ultimately led to her becoming the Holistic teacher she is today. Follow her: @chelseysturgeon_

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Chelsey Sturgeon Chelsey Sturgeon

Tackling Winter Colds with Angelic and Crystal Healing

It all begins with an idea.

As I sit and write this it’s a cold December afternoon (-2 in Lincolnshire!). With the cold weather setting in, it is likely that sniffles, coughs, colds and flu will also set in, making for unhappy throats and noses everywhere!

How then can we apply Angelic and Crystal healing to our energy fields to ease and alleviate our germy winter woes?

Angelic Healing for Coughs, Colds and More

Call in Archangel Raphael

As you may already know, Archangel Raphael is a master healer, dedicated to providing ‘medical’ type healing to all aspects of our human body. Appearing to us in a beautiful green or purple light, Raphael will surround you with intense, yet gentle healing energy, clearing and removing anything causing discomfort within our bodies.

Calling in Archangel Raphael is perfect for coughs and colds! Ask him to surround you in a green bubble of light and notice his gentle warmth as his energy surrounds you. Ask him to remove any infection, fungus, mucus and anything else which is no longer serving your body. Remember to always say please and thank you for his service.

Archangel Gabriel

Another Angel we can call upon is Archangel Gabriel, who is excellent at clearing our Throat Chakras. If you are suffering with a sore throat, phlegm or mucus, ask Gabriel to surround you with beautiful white light and to remove any blockages within your Throat Chakra.

Archangel Amethyst and Archangel Zadkiel

Finally, we are able to call on two beautiful twin flames; Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel to use the Violet Ray to cleanse and clear our four body systems of anything which no longer service us.

Our four body systems consist of the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional bodies. Amethyst and Zadkiel can weave violet light around each body system to transmute any lower vibrational energy into gorgeous, high vibrational frequencies!

Ascended Masters for Healing Coughs and Colds

Ascended Master St. Germain works in a similar way to Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel by using the Violet Flame to cleanse and clear your body. The Violet Flame is especially good for clearing your 12 Chakra System, so ask Master St. Germain to activate the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame and run it through your Chakras to clear and remove any blockages.

Crystal Healing for Coughs and Colds

Crystals have incredible individual vibrations, each with a specific set of qualities which will assist you in healing the symptoms of your cough, cold or headache. While any crystal will provide you with healing benefits if you’re feeling under the weather, here are a couple of my favourites:


Amethyst crystals contain the vibration of Archangel Amethyst herself and so offer incredible healing powers for just about anything! In this season of cold weather though, Amethyst can provide much needed relief from headaches and migraines. Simply place it on the affected area and lay with your eyes closed for as long as needed. Don’t forget to thank and cleanse it afterwards!


Carnelian is a real ‘catch-all’ and is absolutely perfect for clearing congestion and removing aches and pains caused by colds and flu. All you need to do is place a piece on, or very close to your body, and it will work its magic – I have been suffering terribly with migraines and headaches recently and Carnelian has been a life saver!

Blue Lace Agate:

This little gem is incredible for sore throats and can help alleviate symptoms of tonsilitis too. This stone is said to encourage us to relax into meditation, ensuring our bodies receive the rest and recouperation time we need when feeling under the weather.

So what do you think? Will you give these a try this winter? Let us know if you do!

When treating any medical condition, it is important to remember that traditional medicine will always be the first option, Angelic and Crystal Therapy is an optional addition to your traditional treatment methods and should not be used as replacements.


Chelsey imagined a completely different career to the one she enjoys now. Originally training as a Criminal Barrister, Chelsey spent her days prosecuting cartel crime and working to irradicate police misconduct and never imagined the holistic path ahead. Having been deeply connected and interested in Angels as a child, Chelsey found her way back to the Angelic Kingdom of Light in 2016 after an incredible Angelic Reiki session which began her healing journey and ultimately led to her becoming the Holistic teacher she is today. Follow her: @chelseysturgeon_

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