Chelsey Sturgeon leaning against a chair smiling.

I get it, I’m asking you to part with with some of your hard-earned money energy to work with me, and if I was you I’d want to know WHY I should make the leap and invest in my future.

The long and short of it is that I WAS you. After working hard for over a decade to build the career I thought I wanted, I realised that it wasn’t setting my Soul on fire anymore.

Like many of you, I’ve faced many challenges, especially in the last few years, and making the decision to leave the career I’d been in for over a decade created an unbelievable shift and turned my world inside out!

Do you know what made me take the leap in the end? The sudden realisation that I didn’t have to accept any degree of unhappiness in my work life.

It was quite literally mind-blowing!

Get to Know Me

Hello, it is very nice to meet you!

My name is Chelsey and I am a Holistic Therapist and Teacher.

I have always been connected to Angels, but for the majority of my life I put it down to sheer fascination and moved on with other areas, becoming a Barrister in 2012. I thought I’d achieved everything I’d dreamed of until life began taking some interesting twists and turns and I ended up finding my way back to Angels, through Angelic Reiki.

After just one healing treatment, I knew I needed to learn how to deliver Angelic Reiki myself and suddenly my soul path was revealed and a new career in Holistic Therapy began.

Since then, everything has grown and changed. I left my legal career and work full time as a Holistic Therapist and Teacher.

I am qualified Master Teacher in a variety of Holistic Therapies and I am proud to say that I have achieved ‘Executive Training Provider’ status with IPHM.

Teaching is my passion and purpose in life and I cannot wait to meet you and assist you with your Light Path ahead.

Why Work With Me?