Mercury Retrograde and Why You Should Not Fear it!

You’ve read the posts, watched videos and taken part in conversations worldwide this week about the horror of Mercury Retrograde and its imminent arrival for most of April.

For those of you who don’t know, Mercury Retrograde occurs when Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky when the Earth briefly overtakes it in the orbit cycle. During this time energy can dramatically shift and change, often causing havoc in its wake, affecting our energetic and spiritual lives.

I too used to live in fear of Mercury Retrograde – or ‘Metro Retro’ as my dear friend Chell calls it, however that all changed after I heard the phrase ‘stop giving planets so much power!’ It completely blew my mind that we had the option of disassociating with the almighty power of the Retrograde, so I began putting it into practice and of course now, the fear does not come.

The first thing I want you to remember is that we are all vibrating atoms of energy, feeding off the Universe and all who inhabit it. We are easily entrained into adopting new vibes to suit our surroundings and so it is common that during Mercury Retrograde we will all begin to lean into the vibration of fear. This vibe then manifests into our reality, creating all the havoc that Mercury Retrograde promises.

Now I’m not saying that Metro Retro has no effect on your energy at all! Mercury is a powerhouse for money, relationships and power and any change to it can be felt by those of you deeply connected to it. Could it not however be presenting you with a great opportunity to clean house?

Why not choose to see Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity?

An opportunity to ensure your relationship is thriving, an opportunity to test your belief in abundance and an opportunity to stand in your own power and take charge of your energy and your vibration? By releasing the vibration of fear, you release the dramatic hold Mercury Retrograde has on your life. You’ll soon notice that the Universe is presenting the same number of challenges as before, you just get to choose what you do with them. Let me know what you think!


Chelsey imagined a completely different career to the one she enjoys now. Originally training as a Criminal Barrister, Chelsey spent her days prosecuting cartel crime and working to irradicate police misconduct and never imagined the holistic path ahead. Having been deeply connected and interested in Angels as a child, Chelsey found her way back to the Angelic Kingdom of Light in 2016 after an incredible Angelic Reiki session which began her healing journey and ultimately led to her becoming the Holistic teacher she is today. Follow her: @chelseysturgeon_


Did you know January and February are for Hibernation not Transformation?


The vibration of food when made with love.