Something I learned the Hard Way this Week: The Right People notice your Soul not Your Face

Yesterday, I forgot to be kind to myself and I shared it on Instagram for everyone to see.

It taught me something I hope I will remember forever.

Often we say ‘it’s none of our business what other people think of us’, however sometimes we actually need some insight from others to learn a thing or two about ourselves.

My relationship with kindness to myself has been rocky to say the least. I always felt ‘different’. I grew up ginger haired, very short and partially sighted. I was interested in reading, alternative music and academia. It often felt like the Universe had given me almost every trigger for school bullies.

The irony that some of those people literally pay for ginger hair now isn’t lost on me.

I’ve spent years working through and healing the insecurities created at that time in my life and I’m proud to say that most of the time it isn’t an issue, however I think sometimes we see Instagram in such a curated form, that it can make others feel like our worlds are perfect when of course they are not!

I work in an industry now where I put myself online almost everyday (by choice of course) and that comes with so many challenges but mostly, concern over how I come across and what I look like.

The thing I, and I think a lot of us forget is that we are so much more than this vessel we are travelling in.

It’s the basis of everything I teach - we are our Soul, not just our bodies and yet sometimes that is SO hard to remember.

My friends were horrified with my public denouncement of my body and looks and told me so in no uncertain terms, which was a slap I very much needed and appreciated more than words can say.

More than anything it reminded me that they see something much more important than my face or my body…they see my Soul and that is where our true beauty lies.

If then you cannot love your body, your face, your clothes (sometimes we can’t no matter how hard we try), then please I beg you, remember to love your Soul.

Imagine how beautiful the world would be if we only cared about each other’s beautiful Souls.

Sending you (and myself) love today and always 💗


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