Past Life Healing and Exploring our Akashic Records

Since I can remember I have dreamt, daydreamed and play-acted scenes from my Past Lives.

I can remember recalling my previous names as a child and longing to dress in ‘the clothes I used to wear’. My fascination with the mid 1800s has continued long into my adulthood and my love and connection to history is as alive as ever!

I can’t remember the first time I learned what a past life was, but I remember reading a book about them while I was in my early 20s and I was mind blown!

Several intense years later, after I had been working as a Healer for a while, I felt called to write a course about Past Lives and the Akashic Records. To my surprise and immense joy, IPHM accredited it for me too!

The purpose of the course is to teach others to access, read and heal past lifetimes within a their own or another person’s Akashic Records. The intention is to help someone overcome any challenges, obstacles or lessons they are experiencing in their lifetime today.

The work we do is incredible - being able to travel to different time zones and realities while healing current obstacles is so fulfilling and I feel so lucky to be sharing this with other clients, students and Healers.

Today I remain as fascinated as ever with the wisdom held within our Past Lives. The fact we can resolve current cycles of behaviour and karmic lessons still blows my mind! What a gift to be given to us all!

Have you explored your Past Lives before? What did you learn?


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