The vibration of food when made with love.
As I write, I am on an aeroplane travelling to the Dominican Republic and I’m watching a show called TUI World Cook. It is a competition which tasks chefs from across the world with creating dishes from their homeland with love. It struck me while watching, that the chefs who succeeded most often had filled their dishes with love and passion - both emotions of incredibly high vibration!
One of the contestants, a lady from India, spoke of her adoration for her beautiful, magical country and she spoke about putting her heart and soul into her dishes and unsurprisingly, her dishes consistently scored the highest marks.
Why am I telling you all of this? For a while now I’ve been thinking about the vibration of food, but not about whether the food itself is high or low vibe (the traditional meat vs veggie argument in the spiritual world). Instead, I’ve been thinking about what impact the preparer has on the vibration of the dish. If the food was created while the cook was upset, angry or envious, what impact would it have on the taste, feeling and experience of eating the food?
We speak often of taking on the energies of others, of protecting ourselves from those with lower vibrations, but we seldom think or speak about consuming items prepared in the same, lower vibration. When you think about it, you are physically taking something into your body, the vessel carrying your spiritual self, so surely there is a difference between consuming food prepared in a hurried, unloved state, to consuming that prepared with joy and love?
We’ve all rushed home after a busy day and made a dinner without much thought or care, meals we could’ve ‘taken’ or ‘left’, but simply consumed through the need for sustenance rather than because we enjoyed preparing and eating it.
Think alternatively about a meal cooked slowly on a Sunday by someone who adores feeding their family. Think of the love and care put into the preparation, the timing and the presentation of this food compared to our quick, ‘feed me now’ meals. Meals such as these contain the vibrations of love, joy, hope and charity and are received in gratitude. The vibration around the table is high because the food fills us with the highest vibrational energy, not because of the ingredients, but because of the love poured into creating the meal.
So next time you think about which foods you ‘should’ eat to stay in a high vibe, take a moment instead to think about the love and vibration you put into the food when preparing it! Fear not though, when receiving food with gratitude and love, you can quickly raise its vibration and your own, so remember to always give thanks for the food on your table, no matter what it is.
Chelsey imagined a completely different career to the one she enjoys now. Originally training as a Criminal Barrister, Chelsey spent her days prosecuting cartel crime and working to irradicate police misconduct and never imagined the holistic path ahead. Having been deeply connected and interested in Angels as a child, Chelsey found her way back to the Angelic Kingdom of Light in 2016 after an incredible Angelic Reiki session which began her healing journey and ultimately led to her becoming the Holistic teacher she is today. Follow her: @chelseysturgeon_