Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 2

This one-day workshop can be taught either in-person or online and you must have completed Rahanni Level 1 prior to undertaking this course. In order to receive the high vibrations of the Practitioner level, it is advisable to leave a period of approximately six months in between levels. In this second level you are shown how to teach Rahanni.

You will receive :

  • An attunement to Rahanni Teaching level. The attunement to the Teaching Level 2 will again raise your spiritual vibration to higher levels of awareness and accelerate your spiritual growth.

  • A copy of the Rahanni fully comprehensive Teaching Level 2 manual.

  • Rahanni Celestial Healing Teaching Level 2 Certification

  • A Rahanni Share for all course graduates will take place within 3 - 6 weeks of completion of Rahanni Teaching Level, to include questions and answers, opportunity for the group to share experiences, the giving and receiving of Rahanni.

  • Ongoing telephone and email support

You will learn:

  • The Rahanni Sacred Symbols

  • How to attune Practitioners & Teachers on a one to one basis and also in small groups.

  • How to teach both levels of Rahanni

Duration: 1 day

Energy Exchange: £300

Deposit: £150 (non-refundable to be taken off the cost of the course).

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